Friday, September 4, 2015

The next phase was to move what we had cut out and pasted onto the computer. Since designers final product is usually from the computer, this made sense that it would be our next step. It also looks a lot nicer than just cutting and pasting something. This still helped us to achieve a sense of hierarchy, learn how to use the grid, and learn how to transfer ideas from paper to the computer. Here are some exampes of what I created.

Who is Adrian Frutiger?
He was born in 1928 in Switzerland. He worked as a typeface designer at Deberny & Peignot in Paris. He created Univers and Frutiger typefaces. Even as a child he experimented with his handwriting instead of using the strict cursive penmanship that Swiss schools required. He studied at the school of applied arts in Zurich (Kunstgewerbeschule) where he primarily focused on calligraphy. He went on to create many typefaces such as Versailles. In 2009 he was put in the European Design Hall of Fame. He is relevant to this project because he created Univers which is the font that we are using. 

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